O Professor João Marôco foi distinguido com o prestigiado Richard M. Wolf Memorial Award, atribuído pela International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA).
Este prémio visa distinguir os melhores artigos académicos de análise aos dados dos estudos realizados pela IEA – tais como o PIRLS ou o TIMSS. No ano em que se verificou o maior número de submissões à data, o reconhecimento vem no seguimento do seu artigo “What makes a good reader? Worldwide insights from PIRLS 2016”, publicado em janeiro deste ano na revista Reading and Writing.
Como se pode ler no site da IEA:
“The work probed into student, family, teacher, and schools’ variables that can explain the variation within and between the countries that took part in PIRLS 2016. Overall, students’ confidence in reading early literacy tasks, and parents’ expectations are the strongest explanatory variables of reading literacy. Teachers’ perception of class instruction being limited by students’ needs is the strongest explanatory variable of PIRLS achievement, although this was not consistently verified among all countries. No teaching strategies or other related variables emerged consistently as explanatory variables in every country. Within countries, a negative and significant relationship between country achievement and between-school variation emerged”.
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