
Ciclo de Conferências | Maria Karekla – “Acceptance and commitment therapy digital interventions: new opportunities and developments”

24 Março 2022 - 12:30h

No âmbito do Ciclo de conferências, a professora Maria Karekla (University of Cyprus) vai dar uma palestra com o título “Acceptance and commitment therapy digital interventions: new opportunities and developments”.

Host: David Neto

Entrada livre

Resumo da conferência:

Approximately half of the world’s population owns a smart phone and uses the internet. Digitized means present with great opportunities to harness health behavior change in individuals. The digitalization of societies, coupled with increasing demands for self-management, cost-effectiveness, time-limited, widely accessible and quality services, present with an ideal arena for innovative approaches in the provision of services. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) informed digitized interventions are gaining ground in their ability to effectively achieve health behavior change and lead to improvements in vitality and well being among individuals who suffer from a variety of health and mental health problems. This presentation examines the opportunities and challenges for utilizing digitized ACT interventions. Findings and lessons learned from ACThealthy laboratory’s recent studies will be presented, using a variety of digitized innovations in the prevention and treatment of human suffering.


Local: Sala de Atos do Ispa

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